Friday, October 11

7:30-10:30 a.m.
Attendee Registration

8:00-10:00 a.m.
Exhibitor Registration

8:00-10:00 a.m.
Exhibit Hall Open

9:00-10:15 a.m.Concurrent Sessions
Public Comment: The Good, the Bad, and the Legal
As Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) from the show Parks and Rec humorously stated: “What I hear when I’m being yelled at [during a public meeting] is people caring loudly at me.” This presentation will explore the benefits of public comment, some of the issues commonly associated with public comment, and what you can do to address those issues.

Speakers: Neal Falgoust, Division Chief, Open Government, Ethics, & Compliance, and Jessica King, Director, Communications and Public Information, City of Austin; Kent Cagle, City Manager, City of Killeen; Joe R. Zimmerman, Mayor, City of Sugar Land
Cybersecurity: The Evolving Threat Landscape
(courtesy of the TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool)

Cybersecurity threats are changing, emerging, and growing every day to include city funds, government websites, and water systems and other infrastructure. It is important to be aware of the changing cybersecurity landscape and evolving hacker tactics. This presentation will overview the dangers facing your communities while highlighting steps and governance necessary to protect your network, data, and, ultimately, your people.

Speaker: Michael Ramage, PhD, Director, Cyber Education and Research Center, Murray State University
When “It” Hits the Fan: Effective Communications for Critical Times
Whether it is a mass shooting, a natural disaster, or misconduct, you know it could happen. But do you do anything on a clear sunny day, to prepare to effectively communicate with your community and the media, your darkest day? Crisis communications expert Gerard Braud will open his playbook on the tools and tactics you need to deploy using his five-step process. You will learn to spot the dangers before they are dangers; discover the truth about social media during a crisis; and delve into the secrets to mastering a media interview.

Speaker: Gerard Braud, CSP, Fellow IEC, President, Diversified Media
Difficult Conversations
Great teams and vibrant cities can talk about the things they need to talk about without relational damage or reputational harm. In this engaging session with communication expert Geoff Tumlin, you will learn practical and proven strategies for your most important conversations. With tools for reducing defensiveness, encouraging solutions, and charting next steps, you’ll leave ready to tackle your most important conversations.

Speaker: Geoff Tumlin, PhD, President, On-Demand Leadership

10:30-Noon (separate ticketed event)
Closing Session and Brunch

Leadership Lessons from Mission Control
Ginger Kerrick Davis
, Chief Strategy Officer, Barrios Technology

For more than 50 years, NASA’s Mission Control has been pulling off miracles on a regular basis. In our closing conference session, Ginger Kerrick will give you an insider’s look at the values and culture behind NASA’s ability to innovate and keep America’s astronauts safe.

With vivid stories from her own years at the helm of Mission Control as the first Latina flight director and a 30-year veteran of the Johnson Space Center, Kerrick offers lessons from her own evolution as a leader. She will celebrate the toughness and vigilance of her teams and discuss the wave of revitalization in the ranks of NASA leadership responsible for the successes of the past few decades — from the International Space Station to the SpaceX Crew Dragon and NASA’s return to the Moon with the Artemis program. You will learn how to leverage the Mission Control model in your life and work to chart a course for growth, resilience, and excellence.

Read Ginger Kerrick Davis’ bio here.